Interesting Reddits

Friday, June 15, 2012

Tabletop Forge

Tabletop Forge is a new(ish) virtual table top I've talked about before. It differs from rptools Maptool greatly. The coolest feature is that it's built as a google hangouts application. This removes the need for an gathering everybody up on skype or teamspeak, making sure the dm's firewall is configured correctly, and various other things that have to be done separately in other VTs.

But that's not what I'm talking about today. Today I'm pointing out neat stuff that's happened for the TF team.

Their kickstarter is doing very well, it's already past its second stretch goal. Also lots of really cool people have offered material or to run games in the VT. So its become quite popular.

So popular infact that the team has been invited to google I/O.

The family/Mask game is moving to TF as well apparently so as that moves I'll review the software. In the mean time congrats to Tabletop Forge!

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