Interesting Reddits

Thursday, June 2, 2011

PFRPG Settlement Template for Obsidian Portal

So I've started moving non Krenna games to Obsidian Portal for two reasons:
I have players who aren't even on the same continent.
It looks like a good way to keep notes on local games and back up info that's currently in unorganized piles on my desk or random folders on my computer.

Because of this I've spent a while making a template for a Settlement page for the wiki section each campaign gets. Here's the code:

|/3. !!| Pathfinder Settelment Template|
|For Obsidian Portal|
|By Notsonoble|

<small>*GENERAL INFO:*</small>

|<small>*Name:*</small>|_Name_|<small>*Also Known As:*</small>|_AKA_|<small>*Is Part of*:|_Realm or Region_|
<hr />




|_Enter Quality_|_Enter Quality_|_Enter Quality_|_Enter Quality_|
|_Enter Quality_|_Enter Quality_|_Enter Quality_|_Enter Quality_|
|_Enter Quality_|_Enter Quality_|_Enter Quality_|_Enter Quality_|
<hr />


|{background:#ddd}. <small>*Government:*</small>|{background:#ddd}. _Enter Government Type_|<small>*Population:*</small>|_Enter Number and Race_|_Enter Number and Race_|_Enter Number and Race_|
|{background:#ddd}. <small>*Government Alignment:*</small>|{background:#ddd}. _Gvt Align_|{background:#ddd}. <small>*Population Alignment*</small>|{background:#ddd}. _Pop Align_|_Enter Number and Race_|_Enter Number and Race_|
<hr />


||<small>*MINOR ITEMS:*</small>|<small>*VALUE:*</small>|<small>*MEDIUM ITEMS:*</small>|<small>*VALUE:*</small>|<small>*MAJOR ITEMS:*</small>|<small>*VALUE:*</small>|
|={background:#ddd}. <small>*BASE VALUE:*</small>|_Enter Item_|_Value_|_Enter Item_|_Value_|_Enter Item_|_Value_|
|={background:#ddd}. _Enter B Value_|_Enter Item_|_Value_|_Enter Item_|_Value_|_Enter Item_|_Value_|
|={background:#ddd}. <small>*PURCHASE LIMIT:*</small>|_Enter Item_|_Value_|_Enter Item_|_Value_|_Enter Item_|_Value_|
|={background:#ddd}. _Enter P Limit_</small>|_Enter Item_|_Value_|_Enter Item_|_Value_|_Enter Item_|_Value_|
|={background:#ddd}. <small>*SPELLCASTING:*</small>|_Enter Item_|_Value_|_Enter Item_|_Value_|_Enter Item_|_Value_|
|={background:#ddd}. _Enter Spell Level Available_</small>|_Enter Item_|_Value_|_Enter Item_|_Value_|_Enter Item_|_Value_|
||_Enter Item_|_Value_|_Enter Item_|_Value_|_Enter Item_|_Value_|
|<small>*NOTES:*</small>|\6. _Any economic notes Any economic notes Any economic notes Any economic notes Any economic notes Any economic notes_|
<hr />

<small>*NOTABLE NPCS:*</small>

|<small>*NAME*</small>|<small>*ROLE*</small>|<small>*ALIGNMENT*</small>|<small>*CLASSES & LEVELS*</small>|<small>*HP*</small>|
|_Enter Name as Character Page Link_|_Enter Role_|_Enter Align_|_Enter C&L_|_Enter HP_|
|_Enter Name as Character Page Link_|_Enter Role_|_Enter Align_|_Enter C&L_|_Enter HP_|
|_Enter Name as Character Page Link_|_Enter Role_|_Enter Align_|_Enter C&L_|_Enter HP_|
|_Enter Name as Character Page Link_|_Enter Role_|_Enter Align_|_Enter C&L_|_Enter HP_|
|_Enter Name as Character Page Link_|_Enter Role_|_Enter Align_|_Enter C&L_|_Enter HP_|
<hr />


|<small>*NAME*</small>|<small>*ROLE*</small>|<small>*ALIGNMENT*</small>|<small>*LEADER*</small>|<small>*MEMBER COUNT*</small>|
|_Enter Name as Character Page Link_|_Enter Role_|_Enter Align_|_Enter Leader_|_Enter Count_|
|_Enter Name as Character Page Link_|_Enter Role_|_Enter Align_|_Enter Leader_|_Enter Count_|
|_Enter Name as Character Page Link_|_Enter Role_|_Enter Align_|_Enter Leader_|_Enter Count_|
|_Enter Name as Character Page Link_|_Enter Role_|_Enter Align_|_Enter Leader_|_Enter Count_|
|_Enter Name as Character Page Link_|_Enter Role_|_Enter Align_|_Enter Leader_|_Enter Count_|
<hr />


|_Enter Name_|_Enter Role_|_Enter Description_|
|_Enter Name_|_Enter Role_|_Enter Description_|
|_Enter Name_|_Enter Role_|_Enter Description_|
|_Enter Name_|_Enter Role_|_Enter Description_|
|_Enter Name_|_Enter Role_|_Enter Description_|
<hr />

_Enter any reference other reference page links like maps or stories here_

Feel free to use it and comment!

1 comment:

  1. I've made some minor changes due to the new format of Obsidian Portal's site. The original post has been updated.
